Twitter Debate: Does America Need to Hear from Mueller?

Robert Mueller may soon testify before Congress about his investigation into whether or not the President’s 2016 campaign colluded with Russia to influence the election. Trump is against the idea, but Democrats feel that it’s time for the American public to hear from Mueller himself.

After spending more than $35,000,000 over a two year period, interviewing 500 people, using 18 Trump Hating Angry Democrats & 49 FBI Agents – all culminating in a more than 400 page Report showing NO COLLUSION – why would the Democrats in Congress now need Robert Mueller ….to testify. Are they looking for a redo because they hated seeing the strong NO COLLUSION conclusion? There was no crime, except on the other side (incredibly not covered in the Report), and NO OBSTRUCTION. Bob Mueller should not testify. No redos for the Dems!

Barr’s testimony alone — designed to protect Trump — isn’t going to cut it.

They will testify. The American people deserve the truth.

For some reason, the president is upset at the idea of Congress doing its job. Of course Special Counsel Bob Mueller should testify. White House counsel Don McGahn should testify. Other fact witnesses should testify. And for that matter, Donald Trump should testify if he wishes.

Should Israel Topple Hamas?

Four Israelis died after Hamas and Islamic Jihad pounded Israel with a rain of rockets on Saturday and Sunday. Israel responded with airstrikes and a ceasefire has since been reached. Other than a few details, such as the intensity of the rocket attacks and the looming Eurovision song contest in Israel, this story is depressingly familiar. Can Israel escape this cycle of violence without taking serious action to topple Hamas? More at Jerusalem Post.

What’s certain is that the cease-fire agreement secured early Monday morning will also be partial and limited, and won’t be enough to solve Gaza’s root problems. Hamas and Islamic Jihad will boast of their achievements against Israel, but Gaza will continue to sink further into the gutter of extremism and backwardness. We can safely assume, therefore, that the latest round of fighting won’t be the last.

Does this mean that Israel will inevitably have to reconquer the Gaza Strip (with the danger of considerable loss of life), oust Hamas’s military forces, and try to marginalize its extremist ideology? Well, for there to be an end to these relentless rounds of conflict, somebody is going to have to supplant the Islamic extremists. The problem Israel faces is that it does not wish to retake control and responsibility for Gaza, and its 2 million or so Palestinians, but sees nobody else prepared to do so.

In contrast to some claims, Netanyahu does have a clear strategy. He simply doesn’t explain it explicitly. In Gaza, Israel is not interested in war, but it wants to dictate a situation in which Hamas is weakened without being toppled. In the West Bank, the government is doing everything it can, in coordination with the U.S. administration, to damage the standing of the Palestinian Authority. This policy comes with a price.

Is “Cultural Marxism” Code for Jewish?

A desire to fight “cultural Marxism” is a unifying motivation for many mass killers, including John Earnest – the accused perpetrator of the Poway synagogue attack. But how did the idea of “cultural Marxism” come to signify Jewishness for many white nationalists?

Anyone who’s traditionally of lower status — women, minorities, non-Christians, immigrants, LGBTQ individuals, etc. — is a potential target, since (in this worldview) they are “unnaturally” being elevated to equal status, thus threatening the “natural,” “God-given” order of things, as part of the cultural Marxists’ nefarious plot… That same anti-egalitarian worldview was found in the thought of William Lind, the paleoconservative activist who coined the term “cultural Marxism” and did more than anyone else to shape the narrative, promote its spread and argue for its centrality.

…what “cultural Marxism” lacks in accuracy, it makes up for in poisonous efficacy. The theory, in one stroke, paints all left opposition to conservatism as an evil plot formulated by Jewish people. It’s an easy bridge between typical anti-political correctness rhetoric and outright white nationalism.

…it was clear that [Earnest] drew from exactly the same cesspool of online white nationalism and its belief that “cultural Marxism” is destroying civilization… The Poway attack, in many ways, cements a pattern that was already emerging, and may signal a new age of terrorism—one in which chain terrorism, where one act of violence inspires another act that follows, exactly as it is intended to do, is a manifest reality.

Should Vaccinations Be Compulsory?

Paranoia, mistrust, and religious priorities have combined to create a growing constituency of American parents who refuse to vaccinate their children. This has led to an outbreak of measles, particularly in Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods where anti-vaxxer sentiments run high. Is the proper response to make vaccinations compulsory?

It is time we stop viewing the anti-vax movement and its adherents’ responsibility for the measles outbreak as a public health problem. With more than 700 reported cases confirmed in 22 states, it is now a public safety crisis, and the tools of public safety — arrests, fines, isolation — are absolutely necessary. We are not in a “both sides” moment.

Those who oppose vaccinations try to put their arguments in constitutional terms, claiming a constitutional freedom to refuse to inoculate their children. But that claim has no legal basis. An individual’s liberty never includes the right to harm another. Parents do not have the right, no matter what their belief or religion, to put their children at risk of a communicable disease that is preventable and that sometimes has devastating consequences.

Preventing a brief absence from school is not grounds for trumping parental rights… Can we really trust that our politicians impose mandates on us based exclusively on our interests and sentiments? Unfortunately not. One consequence of this lack of trust is anti-vaccination skepticism.

Does Watching “13 Reasons Why” Cause Suicide?

“13 Reasons Why,” a series which explored the events leading up to its young protagonist’s suicide, has been accused of romanticizing suicide and inspiring young people to copy the show’s main character by taking their own lives. New studies examine whether or not these fears are justified.

Horowitz and her team found that, in April 2017, one month after season one dropped on Netflix, the number of people ages 10 to 17 who died by suicide was greater than any other month in the prior five years and higher than what was projected for 2017… People who said they watched all of season two reported less self-harm than those who didn’t watch at all, but those who stopped watching partway through reported greater depression and hopelessness than before they started watching.

There’s a lot of data documenting the problem of suicide contagion when it comes to media coverage of real suicides. But there’s much less data about whether suicide contagion is quite so common when it comes to fictional depictions of suicides, like 13 Reasons Why. And according to the experts I talked to, while the new study from Bridge and company is suggestive, it doesn’t quite make the case that suicide contagion is what’s happening with the show.

Over the past two years, there have been numerous studies on 13 Reasons Why and its potential impact on viewers, including one last year by Northwestern’s Center on Media and Human Development that was commissioned by Netflix after the show’s controversial first season.

But experts say the sheer volume of research can make it difficult for readers to navigate and get a clear picture of what the data actually shows.

Is Big Vape Any Better Than Big Tobacco?

As e-cigarettes, vaporizers and JUULs become more popular, many former smokers are transitioning to smokeless nicotine devices while young consumers are forgoing traditional cigarettes altogether. Is this a step in the right direction? Or merely a familiar poison in a new disguise?

While not harmless, [smokeless cigarettes] give smokers who would not otherwise quit cigarettes an option to switch from the most lethal form of tobacco to something substantially safer. Empowering smokers with safer alternatives has already proven a success in countries such as the U.K. and Japan.

For grown men and women, that’s an alternative vice of their choice. But the chairman of a National Academies committee that produced a report evaluating e-cigarettes said that vaping’s “adverse effects clearly warrant concern” for young adult users. But in a sea of paid influencer posts, magazine profiles of vapers, and mass-marketed ads, it can be hard for teenagers to fully appreciate the implications: vape liquids contain additives that can form carcinogenic compounds and researchers are concerned about long-term effects.

What’s going on? The key to understanding McConnell’s proposal is its endorsement by Altria Group Inc., the largest tobacco producer in the U.S. And the key to understanding Altria’s endorsement is its $12.8 billion stake in Juul Labs Inc., the largest player in the vaping industry. The upside for Altria in this deal is clear: Juul’s popularity is soaring, while the U.S. market for cigarettes is in a steady decline.

Today’s Hot Issues

Twitter Debate: Does America Need to Hear from Mueller? Should Israel Topple Hamas? Is “Cultural Marxism” Code for Jewish? Should Vaccinations Be Compulsory? Does Watching “13 Reasons Why” Cause Suicide? Is Big Vape Any Better Than Big Tobacco?