Did the Court Make the Right Call on Presidential Immunity?

In a controversial 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that former president Donald Trump is immune from prosecution for acts taken to overturn the 2020 election. More at Washington Post.

Any prosecution of a president based on his official acts harms the presidency’s effectiveness.

The Court’s opinion presents an absurd paradox that defeats the purpose of a constitutional democracy governed by the rule of law.

The combination of this new judicially invented presidential immunity and the longstanding pardon power means that a future Trump White House could become the site of a criminal enterprise that would make Richard Nixon’s plumbers unit look like child’s play.

Is Replacing Biden a Winning Strategy?

After Thursday’s debate, Democrats are worried that they can’t win with Biden, but would replacing him this late in the game give them a better shot? More at The Hill.

If Biden gets dumped and Democrats plunge into a civil war of who should replace him, Trump won’t even need that self-discipline: The story will be all Democratic disaster, all the time.

… the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump. Trump, 78, has been on the political stage for eight years marked by chaos, corruption, and incivility. Why go back to that?

Joe Biden is no longer fit to run for dogcatcher, and there’s no getting past the fact that America just saw him blow up on a stage he’d taken thanks to his own bottomless ambition (and the venal hopes of his hangers-on).

Is It Time for the West to Confront Iran Directly?

According to some analysts, the only thing that will stop Iran’s aggression is a direct confrontation. Others warn not to escalate.

The attacks against Israel over the past eight months by Iran, its emissaries and its allies – Hamas, the Houthis, Hezbollah and various militias located in Syria and Iraq – provide sufficient reason to attempt to destroy Iran’s strategic capabilities, which include ballistic capabilities.

…the Biden administration followed in the footsteps of several other countries, including Germany, Canada and Holland. Rather than face down the bullying of a terrorist army directed by the terrorist state of Iran, the West chose to flee.

The Axis’s strategy of harrying and exhausting us might very well work, and head-on military responses can be at best only partially effective against it. The Alliance must build a network of its own, one that can coordinate across multiple fronts to contain, deflect, and deter the Axis’s provocations.

Are Zionists Welcome in Progressive Spaces?

Zionist Jews are increasingly feeling unwelcome in progressive spaces. For a very progressive Jewish American population, what does this mean?

I am not running away. I am going to stay and fight. I will loudly proclaim my Jewishness and my Zionism, both of which are inseparable from each other, and from my progressive values.

While progressive values are still my North Star, I no longer have a progressive community that shares my principles.

…many young progressive Jews are at the forefront of the pro-Palestinian movement on college campuses. Difficult as it is for older generations to accept, the cause is not self-hatred. It is, rather, that criticism of Israel and support for the Palestinian cause is the essence of their progressive Jewish self-expression.

Has Tipping Culture Gotten Out of Control?

Americans are suffering from tipping fatigue. Is it time to rethink our culture of tipping everywhere from cafes to convenience stores?

Americans don’t hate tipping. We hate that it’s expected, that you’re labeled a tightwad if you don’t tip. How do we get back to tipping being optional? For great service. For promptitude. Not for soggy takeout fries.

One sneaky factor behind “tipflation” is the tablet touchscreen with pre-loaded amounts. You might be given a few different options like 18%, 20%, 25%, or even 30%.
You do not have to do what a touchscreen is suggesting you do, so do not feel bullied by technology.

It might prove a hard habit to shake. US research shows customers resent suggested tips less than an imposed service charge; I’ve heard Americans argue that tipping is exercising personal freedom. But how can that be a substitute for paying people properly?

What’s New & Interesting in Jewish Thought?

Here are three thought-provoking Jewish takes on religion, philosophy, and politics:

When we perform a mitzva – whether it be wearing tefillin, davening, celebrating Shabbat – but do so by rote, failing to imbue the act with meaning, passion, and relevance, it becomes a “stolen act,” a mitzva that is not truly our own.

Hearing the divine in your opponent’s words is a big ask in these tense times. We are all made in the divine image, the Torah tells us, so maybe we can find the divinity in each other’s words by listening closely for the deep humanity within them.

We should not give up hope before even trying. “Don’t be negative, try to get it done.” Don’t start from a place of negativity and assume failure, but rather have a positive outlook and mindset of making a sincere effort to accomplish what you desire. Negativity is unproductive, while a positive attitude gives you a better chance of success.

Today’s Hot Issues

Did the Court Make the Right Call on Presidential Immunity? Is Replacing Biden a Winning Strategy? Is It Time for the West to Confront Iran Directly? Are Zionists Welcome in Progressive Spaces? Has Tipping Culture Gotten Out of Control? What’s New & Interesting in Jewish Thought?